Tax Services
Minimizing tax liability for an individual and a business is a year-round, not a year-end process. Our planning services are tailored to your unique circumstances and future plans. We can provide services on basic tax projections for the current year, expertise on debt management, or complete lifetime tax planning. We bring a high-level of experience in complex tax requirements of the entities and industries below.

Income Planning, Projections, and Preparation
- Individuals
- Partnerships
- C Corporations and S Corporation
- Non-profit corporations and organizations
- Estates
- Trusts
- Gifts
- Employee Benefit Plans
- Aviation
- Construction
- Licensed Professional Services
- Manufacturing
- Medical and Dental Practices
- Oil & Gas
- Real Estate
- Retail & Wholesale
- Tax Exempt Organizations
- Technology
- Web site distribution
- Other
Tax Planning
Mangold Anker Phillips offers a customized package of tax-saving strategies for individual and business clients. The Tax Plan demonstrates concepts and strategies to reduce their taxes by decreasing taxable income and increasing deductions.
Your Personal Tax Plan, based on a review of your particular circumstances, will include estimated tax savings from specific strategies involving family, home, employment, your business, and your investments. We will review your Personal Tax Plan written report with you to determine which tax-saving strategies are right for you. Typically we provide tax planning during the summer and early fall months in order to have time to implement any strategies before year-end.
Your Personal Tax Plan will cover:
- How the tax system works: The foundation to understand specific tax saving strategies.
- Family, Home and Job: Day-to-day strategies for your family, your home, your job. Tax strategies for financing college and elder care, buying and owning your home, and making the most of employee benefits, and estate planning.
- Your Business: Strategies for organizing your business, deducting day-to-day expenses, buying and owning real estate and equipment, optimizing retirement and employee benefit plans, risk insurance planning.
- Your Investments: How to use retirement accounts, how to buy and sell stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, and how to manage real estate for maximum after-tax return.
- Cashing out: Ways to defer or eliminate taxes when you sell personal, business, and investment assets or get your equity out of your business.
You will receive a Tax Plan Report providing general education relevant to your situation. Then, the tax plan is personalized for you in a face-to-face meeting with a CPA recommending specific and prioritized tax-saving strategies for your particular circumstances. You will find that we select the most beneficial strategies for you and then help with their implementation so you can begin to enjoy the savings.
Our planning engagement and implementation process uses a team approach to maximize the expertise available to our clients. We can work with your present investment advisors, brokers, and attorneys, or recommend them from our network of experienced professionals. In either case, you have the assurance of solutions tailored to meet your specific needs through quality, objective advice.
Tax Projection
Quarterly or close to year-end, we can estimate the income tax liability for individuals or businesses who want to set the funds aside for taxes. Tax projection is most valuable for people who have had a sudden boost in income, such as stock options, an inheritance, or a sale of a business, as well as business owners and independent contractors.
Tax Preparation
We have a depth of experience in tax preparation of complex federal and all states income tax returns for every entity structure and individuals. To best serve our clients’ interests we invest in the best resources in the public accounting industry in order to ensure accurate tax compliance and to optimize every legitimate tax benefit.
Tax preparation is recording tax events that occurred during the tax year and does not include proactive strategies. If you are looking for proactive tax strategies to minimize your tax liability, please ask us if Tax Planning during the tax year will be beneficial for you.
International Tax and Consulting Services
We serve existing clients with international corporate headquarters and / or locations.
Mangold Anker Phillips is an independently owned and operated member firm of CPAConnect, an association of select CPA firms and sole practitioners throughout the United States. CPAConnect is the companion association to CPAmerica International, an association of larger, independent CPA firms. Through our affiliation, we have instant access to the expertise and resources of hundreds of professionals across America.
Through our membership in CPAConnect, Mangold Anker Phillips offers clients unique access to national and international markets through an association of independent accounting firms that maintain the highest practice standards.
Mangold Anker Phillips serves the international needs of clients through CPAmerica’s strategic alliance with Crowe Horwath International.
Crowe Horwath International is ranked among the top 10 global accounting networks with more than 140 independent accounting and advisory services firms in more than 100 countries around the world.
As a client of our firm, you truly receive the best of both worlds: the personal attention and sincere concern of a local firm and the knowledge and resources of an international association.
Ready to Take Control of Your Financial Future?
Contact us today for a personalized consultation and start shaping a brighter financial future with Mangold Anker Phillips.
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